Raha pharmaceutical company

Raha Pharmaceutical Company in Iran. as a Private Sector was brought under the registration No. of 19327 in September 2008. Raha is aimed to be a research, innovative and technical establishment in pharmaceutical industry on the site of 17000 square meters located on the Soffeh Industrial Zone at a distance of 7 kilometers from the attractive and historical city of Isfahan. The shareholders, the board of directors and the industrial pharmacists who have gained at an average thirty years of valuable experience of pharmaceutical industry have made great efforts into searching around the novelties in the field and by using the state-of-the-art equipment and the latest optimal approaches to GMP have established the most progressive installations. By developing various production lines, Raha has had variety in production such as tablets, capsules, pellets, ampules, eye drops, nasal sprays, syrups and semisolids (creams, gels and ointments). The Company has frequently taken into consideration to adopt new methods for formulating of new-branded products. It has tried to manufacture qualified finished products comply with the research on new approaches. Hi-tech and innovation take basic actions in meeting pharmaceutical needs along with the treatment of endemic diseases in future. In this direction, Raha has managed to obtain a patent on formulating over one hundred and thirty products of various groups of treatment for such diseases as poor digestion system, Cardiac insufficiency, nervous breakdown and medicines like painkillers, antihistamines, supplementary and anti-diabetics. At the first year of establishment, the company yielded out 50 different kinds of items for the purpose of export and domestic consumption. The company owes such great success to the R&D department. A department whose specialists together with their expertise and experience have made Raha Pharmaceutical manufacturer in Iran. a dynamic research center in pharmaceutical industry and also a unique center among the medical societies of the country. The quality assurance department serves also as a leading role within the company and lay great emphasis on GMP. It has quite determined to maintain high standards level of quality and promote the condition level of the world markets.

Contact Us


Central Office:No.11, Sofeh Ind. Zone, 7th km of Shiraz Road, Isfahan, Iran P.O Box 81745-567


tel:+98 (31) 36540659


fax:+98 (31) 36540959


Tehran Sales Office: Ashrafi Esfahani South, not far from Sadeghieh Square, West Water Organization Street, beginning of Golestan I, Zumrod Building, No. 23, Second Floor, Unit 7


tel:+98 (21) 44084866 - 44084859


fax: 021-44975532

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